
How to audition

The River Bandits held auditions for National Anthem Singers.

Some of the singers:
Maggie Wiederholt rolled her wheelchair out to the edge of the stadium seats at Modern Woodmen Park on the Davenport riverfront.

Despite Saturday’s chilly temperatures and rain, the 11-year-old, who suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta, more commonly known as brittle bone disease, began singing the words of the national anthem. The young girl’s soft, but beautiful voice echoed throughout the mostly empty baseball stadium.


Jon Schweppe, a junior at Augustana College, showed up for the audition in shorts and a sweatshirt.

The economic/business major sings in a local punk band called “Economy Rising” and was excited to audition.
This is all well and good, but the windows in the radio booth still don't open.

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