
And here we go...

This is just a reminder...12-day road trip starts today...in about an hour actually.

Sorry about not having anything fresh this morning, but laundry and a series of Da Vinci naps...Hold on, I'll explain to the non-Seinfeld viewers.
Kramer opens the door and leans in.

KRAMER: Hey everybody. (to Jerry) Listen, uh, do me a favor, will you? I got a hot date tonight with Connie. Knock on my door, wake me up in twenty minutes, alright?

JERRY: Catnap?

KRAMER: No, no, no, no. (comes in) This is evolutionary. I been reading this book, on Leonardo de Vinci. See, that means 'from Vinci', d'you know that?

JERRY: (deadpan) That must be some book.

KRAMER: Yeah, well, turns out that the master slept only twenty minutes every three hours. Now, that works out to two and a half extra days, that I'm awake per week, every week. Which means, if I live to be eighty, I will have lived the equivalent of a hundred and five years.

JERRY: Just imagine how much more you'll accomplish.

KRAMER: Oh, I got a lot of things in the hopper, buddy.
Long story short....I'll be updating the blog from the hotel later today. TO THE BUS!!!

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