Rain last night. Not good. Rain today. Not good. Rain, wind, and severe thunderstorms forecast for tonight...Well, that's a bit much for Brick.
Brick's therapist...yes, camels can have therapists...thinks that it is best to focus my rage at the weather, meteorologists, slow service at a restaurant, cable channels that don't work in hotels, PA announcers that give the wrong time to start games, vending machines that are only on the first floor of a hotel, ...
Sorry, where was Brick? Focus! Right! It is best to focus my rage into the ancient Japanese art of Haiku. So,
Hard rain falls today.
Green on radar is a shade,
That brings great anger.
Doubleheader on schedule.
Ugly forecast threatens all.
Roudha, this sure blows.
Raindrops keep falling
on my humps and they are wet.
Who will stop the rain?
Will we play today?
There is always this thing, hope
Hope in one hand and cra....

Oh, and Mehring wanted me to pass along some actual news.
The Rattlers will be staying on rotation if we play today. That means:
Efrain Nieves and Cody Scarpetta in game one. Trey Watten in game two.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get some microwavve popcorn for Brick. That is one of the few things that actually calms him down.
So I guess this means Brick and Carl room together on the road?
Most of the hotels in the leagues in the Midwest League do have a stable where they can hang out.
Apparently, they have a better wireless connection than I do right now.
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