
Carl says hello

Greetings, Timber Rattler fans. Carl, the rain-hating camel here. Yes, it's raining. Yes, I hate it. Yes, Mehring said he had to do some "other things" today. Like what, I wonder?

Yes, I have graciously decided to step in for the morning posting. But, I do not have a lot of time. So,

Last night's Timber Rattler game story:
"No question," said Rattlers manager Jeff Isom, when asked if he was showing what the Brewers saw in him. "You're looking at a first-year kid, didn't even have a professional at-bat until the start of this season and he's hitting over .300 right now, has four home runs and leading our team in RBIs. That's what we've expected out of him.
Last night's Midwest League Scoreboard

Last night's scores in the Brewer System from Bernie's Crew

Oh, and the Brewers beat the Pirates...again.

Good weather to you all.


Josh Wussow said...

Greetings, Carl.

Here's hoping the rain stops and you can get back to doing... whatever it is rain-hating camels do...

THE KID said...

Retain water???...

And let us hope Fairfax comes through with the expected announcement that the best playing surface in the MWL is ready for....umm, play!!!

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