
Good column on a tough subject

Hello, Prodigal Beat Writer...
Why? That's what Tim Hewes would like to know, too. Make that love to know.

Why, in this age of education and scrutiny and scorn, would an athlete even begin to think about dabbling with a performance-enhancing drug? Or any drug for that matter?

Why would they risk ruining a career?

"There are probably lots of reasons why they do it," Hewes, employee assistance director with the Milwaukee Brewers, said prior to the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers' 6-4 Midwest League setback to Lansing on Monday at Fox Cities Stadium.

"Trying to find an edge. It's different for each guy. But it's something they don't think is a reality, and they're going to get bagged if that's the road they go down."
Read it all.

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