
A little pregame discussion

Just tossing this out for discussion amongst the five readers and three commenters at Rattler Radio.

Here is the title of the Prodigal Beat Writer's post over at his blog.

Any disappointment in Rattlers' rough start?
The Midwest League season is about a quarter of the way through, and the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers are mired in a last-place tie with Beloit in the Western Division standings.

So, with the Rattlers coming off a scheduled off day and about to open a four-game set today at Cedar Rapids, the question for all of you diehards to ponder is this:

Are you disappointed by what you've seen out of the Rattlers thus far?
I think everyone would like to see more wins -- especially on the road, but if the metric is player development...

I am not disappointed with what I've seen out the Rattlers thus far.


1 comment:

THE KID said...

I am never disappointed when i'm watching baseball.

Even less when I'm doing it in person.

Even less yet when it' so reasonably priced and i've got a 15 minute drive home (or 10 minutes to BW's Calumet Street...).

I'm seriously not disappointed when it's a weekDAY game and should be at work.

And right now i'm thinking..neh, pondering longingly, how NOT disappointed i'm going to be starting Saturday when i'm going to see our old friends battle our new friends for 5 games in four days!!!

Sure i'd like to see more wins, who wouldn't? But in all seriousness I am not disappointed.

They have it together for streaks and then from time to time seem to sleep on basic fundamentals like base running, hitting the cutoff man, etc.

But they are a young, young team. And (insert Lou Brown voice here) there's a couple potential all stars in there. They will get it together. And then the wins will come.

Especially if the Brewer hierarchy sticks to what they've said in that it's their practice to generally keep minor league teams together for whole seasons.

Which recently, short of the magical 2005 season (year of Tui, which you all knew...), we know all too well the Mariners did not do (oh Mark Tillman, we barely knew ya...).

I could go on a rant right now about what does disappoint me, the bashing the Mariners system got by "not smart people" on the PC-blogs and Johnny-Come-Lately Timber Rattler fans...but i'll digress.

I'm a Rattler fan first. I could honestly care less who the parent club is (short of Boston...I really hate the Red Sox and i'm still coming to grips with Jason Bay playing for them...but just the same, WAR CANADA!!!).

I think it's neat and apparently financially beneficial that it's the Brewers. And while i wouldn't mind if that relationship continued on and on, i won't fret if it's someone else some day...as long as we have Timber Rattler baseball.

WAR Rattler Radio giving me the opportunity to speak my mind...

WAR the crack of the bat and the slap of the glove...

WAR 32 ounce Moose cups of Miller Lite in the sun with friends at TWCF@FCS...

WAR Cutter starting to rake...

WAR Timber Freak'n Rattlers!!!

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