
Will this make up for it?

I have been posting later and later this week. Also, what is being posted has been rushed through and I haven't had the time to do things properly.

This will happen from time to time, but the combination of an early morning arrival on Wednesday, a bunch of writing deadlines, and various work things...Like actual in season sales appointments and meetings have all combined in a perfect storm of events to affect the blog.

To try to make up for it...and despite the fact that just about every other blog out there has posted this as a link...

Here is the Game Open from the Videoboard at Time Warner Cable Field.

Those old-time players above the current Rattlers in the freeze frame above are from left to right: Goose Gossage, Alex Rodriguez, Gil Meche, and Harold Baines.

Yeah, we have a little history here in Appleton.

The video crew did a great job on this and there is more neat stuff on the way.

Oh, and one of those writing deadlines will be posted over HERE around noon today. Back later with game notes and all that other pre-game stuff later this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Is the video board working again? - Jared from Right Field Bleachers

THE KID said...

After the "rain out" video I of course bookmarked the Rattler page on YouTube and did see this the other day and...

...it is major league worthy. Really, very nice job by the production crew.

And as evidenced in an earlier blog entry* (McCraw's music) my musical knowledge is far from up to date...who can help a brother out with what song and band this is? I know not.

*speaking of entries...did I miss the post about the entry music for each Rattler batter? :)

Tonight will be my first game since Jose Duran got here, is he entering to "Hungry Like The Wolf" yet?

(I did hear "Save A Prayer" this morning on my way to the gym (insert Tommy Boy sound bite here) on Sirus channel 8, "80's on 8" and while a very pleasant Duran Duran song, i don't think it'd quite wake up the hitting gods like Hungry Like The Wolf would...just my opinion).

Chris said...

Yes. The gremlins...think Bugs Bunny cartoon, not Chris Columbus movie...have been removed. After one day gone, the board was back working last night.

I can't help you on the musical selection for the intro video, Kid. I can bring up the Duran Duran suggestion though.

Also, as a warning to you, Cutter has new walk-up music. But, if you sing some Bryan Adams very loudly maybe that will help.

THE KID said...

I do not recall authorizing new walk up music for Cutter?

Granted i was pretty lit during Draft Festivus last weekend, but i'd have remembered THAT conversation.

My first thought was, "And he wants to ascend into the Tuiasosopo-esphere?"

But, i suppose asking Cutter to keep a song that was released FIVE YEARS BEFORE HE WAS BORN(!!!) for his walk up music just to spark nostalgia for old guys like me is asking a bit much...

...i'll settle for two hits and stolen base tonight.

On another bit of randomness (cuz i'm really having trouble focusing with 2.5 hours to go today) I noticed today with the turn of the calendar that 5/18 is Victoria Day.

And that day happens to be a Monday and a weekDAY game. Guess who's got two weeks to put the Jason Bay Team Canada jersey in the wash?

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