
Changing up Thursday's

Going to be changing up the Thursday Motivation posts. The successories.com well is running dry and the Despair.com, while hilarious, just need a break.

So, last night, I'm driving home from the shareholders meeting and there was a song on the radio that I hadn't heard in a long time. It has also been a long time since the radio in the El Camino has been cranked that loud.

So, song lyrics will be taking over for a while.

That song last night? Slip Kid by The Who. The key lyric to the post.
I've got my clipboard, text books
Lead me to the station
Yeah, I'm off to the civil war
I've got my kit bag, my heavy boots
I'm runnin' in the rain
Gonna run till my feet are raw
Yep. No easy way to be free.

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