
The unbearable lightness of being Rhubarb

The Tacoma Rainiers held tryouts for their mascot this past weekend. The Tacoma News-Tribune was there.
They wanted to see Rhubarb cheer a game-winning home run, and he waved his arms as he bounded across the room.

They wanted to see Rhubarb upset with a tough loss, and he collapsed and pounded his fists against the door.

They wanted to see Rhubarb react to a cute girl in the stands, and he flashed his best come-hither look.

They wanted to see Rhubarb interact with a muscle-bound jock, and he flexed and pointed to his noticeably flat biceps.

The judges selecting the Tacoma Rainiers’ next mascot threw almost every kind of scenario at Rhubarb – how to act shy, flirt with a girl several sections away, dance to funk and calm a scared child – and when the audition was almost over, Payton Foutz removed the oversized reindeer head, wiped the sweat off his brow and flashed a bright smile.

“Man,” he said, “that was fun.”
Well, its always fun when you win. What is that like?

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