
They're from the government....

and they are here to help you.

From the AP.

FCC investigating DirectTV, MLB deal

The government is investigating a proposed deal between Major League Baseball and DirecTV Inc. that has had fans in a tizzy.

MLB reportedly seeks to strike an exclusive deal with the satellite television provider to offer its "Extra Innings" baseball package. Disclosure of the Federal Communications Commission's investigation of any such deal came in a letter from FCC chairman Kevin Martin that Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., released Thursday.
Kerry had asked Martin to investigate the "proposed $700 million television deal that could deny many consumers the ability to watch their favorite teams."

Martin, in reply, wrote Kerry: "I share your concerns regarding this proposed deal."

Everyone is concerned. Good. Now do something.


Chris said...

why is the government interfering in a business deal between two firms a good thing

I just dont get this DTV has exclusives with the NFL and NASCAR and congress has not stuck their nose in then why now

what makes baseball fans better than the football and racing fans that cannot get there package because they dont have DirecTV?

From the numbers I have seen DTV has done a far better job of bringing MLB extra inning viewers than all the cable companies combined and they are willing to pony up the money for the rights.

So why shouldnt they be able to lock in right to MLB just like they have in other sports.

Chris said...

Sorry. I thought my feelings on the government getting involved in this issue would have been clear with the sarcastice title of the post.

The 'now do something' was not a call for the FCC (or any part of the government) to do that something. More for the twelve readers of this blog to do something.

Baseball fans ARE better than football racing fans. It's so obvious. (Kidding. That was a joke.)

The NFL deal is viewed differently because, it has always been on DTV. Extra Innings has been available on cable and other places. Now, that is being taken away, of course, baseball fans are going to raise their voices.

That is the main reason that Congress is getting involved. If they can get the FCC to do something, to paraphrase Bill Murray in GHOSTBUSTERS: They will have saved MLB Extra Innings for millions of registered voters.

The thing that they do will have unintended consequences and wind up harming some other thing that no one has thought of yet, but they will have done something.

In closing, baseball should have the right to make any decision that will alienate their fanbase without government interference.

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