
13 Days to Opening Day

April 5, 2007 is Opening Day for the Timber Rattlers. That is in 13 days.

The number 13 is represented by Ralph Branca:

Branca gave up the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" to Bobby Thompson that gave the Giants the NL Pennant in 1951.

ESPN Classic showed the Classic Battlelines episode about this game recently and a story that Branca told struck me. It went something like this:

After the game, he went out to dinner with his soon-to-be wife and her cousin. The cousin was also a priest and Branca asked him the question most of us ask at one time or another during the day (or half hour as the case may be).

"Why me?"

"Because God knew that your faith would be strong enough to bear this cross," was the response.

13 doesn't seem so unlucky today.

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