
Dancin' Homer

Time for the Baseball on TV post. This week, it's time for another episode of The Simpsons. Dancin' Homer is from season two and shows the seemy underbelly of a small town mascot trying to make it in the big, bad world of Capital City. Well, not really. Here is a YouTube Clip from the episode:

And how can you not like an episode that begins with this scene:

At Moe's Tavern, the gang beg Homer to tell his story...

Homer: There's only one thing worse than being a loser. It's being one of those guys who sits in a bar telling a story of how he became a loser, and I never want that to happen to me.

Barney: Please, Homer?

Moe: Yeah, come on, Homer.

Homer: Well, okay.

That scene is from this site that has pretty much the whole episode transcribed.

Other nuggets:

And I got up in front of them. I felt an intoxication that had nothing to do with alcohol. It was the intoxication of being a public spectacle! -- Homer
Homer: Don't fill up on those vegetables, kids. Save room for your nachos!

Lisa+Bart: All right!

Marge: [disapprovingly] Mmm.
Bart was strangely quiet. Later, he explained he was confused by feelings of respect for me. It wouldn't last. -- Homer
Homer: I wonder why stories of degradation and humiliation make you more popular.

Moe: I dunno. They just do.

One of the better early episodes of the show.

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