
Cleo and the Babe

Dick Enberg read a promo for Voyagers! during the rebroadcast of Game Five of the '82 series.

You remember Voyagers! right? A time travel show that kids were supposed to watch because it was supposed to teach history in a fun way. I seem to remember that it was recommended by the Scholastic Book Club or some other such organization that promoted learning.

Voyagers! only lasted one season. NBC decided to run it against 60 Minutes on Sunday nights. Not a great idea. But, to tell the truth it wasn't a very good show. There have only been two really good time travel television shows Quantum Leap and Dr. Who.

Anyway, I had one of those flashbacks after hearing Dick Enberg read that promo. The one where you go, "Wasn't there this one episode where...." This one ended with "Wasn't there this one episode where Babe Ruth meets Cleopatra?"

Yes, you read that right. Babe Ruth meets Cleopatra. A quick trip to youtube and -- wonder of wonders -- some sick, twisted, gloriously weird person posted that entire episode.

Prepare yourself for Cleo and the Babe:

Part One with the totally 80's faux-John Williams music for the opening credits:

Part Two with an incredibly bad accent by the guy playing Lucky Luciano and a vanishing Yankee Stadium:

Part Three with William Lucking as a Babe Ruth who doesn't want to hit.

Part Four with the most ridiculous hiding in an alley scene in television history:

Part Five with the stars of the show...oh, heck just watch it:

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