
Sounds about right

Benjamin Hill has a post at Ben's Biz Blog that made me feel a bit better about myself for a moment. He scours the blogosphere and finds that Champ, the mascot of the Vermont Lake Monsters, admits on his blog that he has already broken his resolution.
I've already broken my core New Year's resolution of not mixing beans, onions, caviar and avocados in the same breakfast burrito, so my only hope is your goals for amelioration are going much better.
Should I feel better that my resolution has lasted longer than an anthropomorphic American Nessie? I guess I can give up now.

Then, at the tail end there is this ringing endorsement:
Last but certainly not least, Rattler Radio (the blog of Wisconsin Timber Rattlers broadcaster Chris Mehring) is always worth checking out. Mehring posts several times a day, including a long-running "Countdown to Opening Day" feature.
Thanks, Ben. I'm used to the whole last thing. Long-running? Like Gunsmoke and Law & Order long-running? Or, like Mack Bolan the Executioner long running?

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