
Baseball History -- February 6

Complete entry for February 6 is at BaseballLibrary.com s HERE.

Highlighted entries:
Voters in King County (Washington) approve by 62 percent a $40 million bond issue to build a domed, multipurpose stadium.

This was for the Pilots, but that didn't happen. The Kingdom did wind up being built for the Mariners and the Seahawks.
The New York Giants' salary list is leaked to the press. It shows a total player payroll of $54,600 with
Buck Ewing's $5,500 salary topping the scale.

Think about those numbers for a minute.
At Hot Springs, Arkansas, Albert Spalding meets with the Chicago players and exacts from each man a pledge of total abstinence from drinking during the coming season. With the entire outfield gone from last year's team and P Jim McCormick holding out at home in NJ, the champion White Stockings will have to rely on young players.

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