
Drat and Blast!

Plans of all great leaders run afoul of meterological conditions from time to time. General Howe at Brooklyn Heights. Napoleon and his invasion of Russia. Those blasted hippies at Woodstock probably weren't expecting Farmer Yasgur's fields to turn into a mudpit either.

So, it is with tonight's game in Grand Chute...Or as the French say Grandiose Glissière.

The game scheduled between the Wisconsin nine and the Chiefs of Peoria has been put off due to this wretched moisture. Also, the temperatures are so chilly filming for that saccharine overload of a movie called March of the Penguins would have been called off as well.

I'm told that the new plan is to have a single match on Wednesday. And the double dip...can I say that? I'm not on FOX right now, you know....The Double Dip...I really can't believe I am allowed to say that...is scheduled for Thursday at 35 past five in the post meridian.

The fat guy should be done watching reruns of Full House by that time. Perhaps I can persuade him to bring me to these games. That way I might be able to ascertain what all the hurly-burly is all about....DRAT! Ended that last sentence with a preposition. Must work on improving sentence structure.


THE KID said...

Question: When making an omelet are four eggs too many or are three not enough?

Question: Why does a man hire me to kill him because he's dying of cancer when he's not dying of cancer but he still hires me to kill him?

Question: (real one, enough quotes, movie anybody?...) Is the practice of playing two seven inning games solely based on the presumably young pitching staffs in A ball or is there something more? Is this the norm in other levels as well?

Inquiring minds. Thank you.

Chris said...

I'd give you the name of the movie, but I'm going to catch the last ten minutes of Dynasty.

In answer to your question, 7-inning doubleheaders are just they way it goes in minor league baseball.

And it is that way from Triple-A down to the Rookie Leagues.

Now, could you get me The Beatles White album?

THE KID said...

Thank you for the 411 and NICE Fletch references!!!

Another favorite of mine is when undercover Fletch is talking to Fat Sam on the beach about when he's going to get a new shipment of drugs in which Fat Sam doesn't have yet and Sam says...

"I got some reds..."

And Fletch replies.."You don't mean communists, do you, Sam?"

Good stuff...good stuff

See everybody tomorrow afternoon!!!

parkside21 said...

Woo-hoo! Doubleheaders rule. Especially since the weather should get nicer in the next few days. See ya'll on Thursday.

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