
Update on the weather (Um, Updated...FINAL UPDATE

The rain has stopped in Davenport for now. However, the field here is notorious for its poor drainage system.

The grounds crew is out looking over the field, but they have not taken the tarp off the field.

The game will not start on time. But, they are going to try to get this one in because there is a decent pre-sold attendance.

Stay tuned. I'll update this post when there is more information.


They are still in the process of taking the tarp off the field. A rough guess is that if we play, it probably won't be until after 2:00pm.


Good thing I didn't go with that first time they told me. In a fit of Optimism that you really have to admire, the first time they told me for a projected start time was 1:45pm. Optimism is nice...until reality slaps you upside the head. Trust me. I know.

Latest word is a 2:00pm start time. So, we'll go with that for now.


Yeah. 2:00pm. Not going to happen. The field conditions are -- how can I put this politely -- crummy? I was just told that the start time is now indefinite. So, hang in there, I guess.


GAME CALLED. Two games tomorrow. First game starts at 11am. Second game will follow...Maybe...The weather forecast doesn't look that good.

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