
Also from Prospect Insider

There are a few sidebar items on Austin Bibens-Dirkx (WI '06). No links to the stories, but if you head over there by following the link in the Greg Halman post below, you can't help but see:

Cult Favorite Gets Spring Call

After losing Christopher Doyle Snelling in a preposterous trade this past winter, we're down to one cult favorite who, coincidentally, is picking up a lot of steam since being drafted last June.

Right-handed pitcher Austin Bibens-Dirkx was called up to the big-league game today in Spring Training, a 4-3 loss to San Diego in the annual charity matchup in Peoria.
The sidearmer is working with Lance Painter on creating a better downward angle on his fastball (I know, strange thought for a true sidearm pitcher) and may begin his first full season of pro ball in Double-A West Tennessee.

Bibens-Dirkx Has Second Talent

Well, well, well. Our cult hero can sing, apparently.

Right-hander Austin Bibens-Dirkx can do more than just throw sidearm heat - he can sing. The relief prospect is in the process of creating his first CD and has a pop single scheduled for release in the next few weeks.

The single, "Make Things Right", is typical of Bibens-Dirkx's style behind the mic.

"I'd say I'm kind of a hopeless romantic," he says. "I'm a hopeless romantic, but when I cross the lines onto the field, I turn into a whole different person."

When the single is released, be sure to check back in with Prospect Insider to hear the tune.

If he does wind up in West Tennessee, Bibens-Dirkx is going to be a Brad Holman favorite. Loyal Fan may get that release.

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