
22 Days to Opening Day

Opening Day 2008 for the Timber Rattlers is April 3. That is 22 days from today. This off-season, the countdown will be based on books. Each day between now and Opening Day 2008, I will pick a random book out of my library and excerpt a passage off the page number corresponding with the number of days remaining to the first pitch of the new season. I will try not to repeat a book during the countdown.

Today’s book is The Harper Encyclopedia of Military Biography by Trevor N. Dupuy, Curtis Johnson, and David L. Bongard. Want to know what the authors thought of Albert “The Pious”, Archduke of Austria (1559-1621), Austrian general and statesman. Principal wars: Eighty Years’ War (1567-1648). Principal battle: Nieuwpoort (1600).

A capable general and administrator, with considerable tactical and strategic skill; his reputation has suffered unjustly in comparison with those of Spinola and Maurice of Nassau.

Put today’s excerpt in a baseball context.

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