
Sunrise over Coveleski

I know what you are thinking. At what point does Mehring launch his usual passive-aggressive rant about it being early?

Well, you are in for a surprise. It's not going to happen. It may be 8:45am EDT, but if I had actually worked for a living, I'd be on my way to an office or a construction site or just getting to bed after the night shift.

It's a great day. There's baseball and I get to watch it for a living. Some days it is good to have the job you've wanted since you were seven years old.

Today is one of those days.

Here's the shot from the back of the radio booth. There was one that showed more of the field, but the flash kept showing up in window.

One thing to note, and I mentioned it on the broadcast last night. That window on the right had been broken since 2000. It has been propped open with books, boards, and even a roll of duct tape once. It was finally fixed this off-season.

1 comment:

THE KID said...

Good post, I am sufficiently jealous.

I work in one of those office type settings you post of and while I do enjoy my job (most of the time...), I've been here long enough that it does afford me a decent amount of vacation with which to enjoy baseball (say, this Thursday down at Miller Park for a day game (the return of Jenkins) or the Rattlers day game next Wednesday).

Short of after hours or on weekends they tend to frown upon steaming media in the office (some nonsense about band width being taken up on nonessential programs...ummm, it's a Rattler game!!!...) so i won't be able to listen to your dulcet tones (or hear Coach Santo Domingo from the field yelling "C'mon, RBI, RBI!!!")on the webcast, but i'll keep up my unproductivity by keeping an eye on the box/recap.

Have a good broadcast. Go Rattlers!

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