WI 11
Boxscore | Game story
If a Midwest League team is only as good as its middle relief - based on tonight's performance by Andre Lamontagne - the Rattlers are going to be pretty good.
Over the last few seasons, the player whose poster it happens to be on a giveaway night has usually had a tough game. Michael Marseco had an RBI, a stolen base, and several nice plays in the field. It will be Cameron Garfield's turn on May 6.
The difference between a good outing and a bad outing for Arnett was three batters. The 2-0 pitch with two outs to Jose Jimenez in the third that was hit to the Miller High Life Home Run Porch. A two-out walk to Kevin Ramos that was followed by a first pitch homer by Adam Younger in the fourth. Now, I am not going to say, "If you only take away those three batters..." because that's impossible...and stupid...to do. I will say that this is part of the development process. They will work on this and I look forward to Arnett's next start when he faces Peoria next week.
If Khris Davis keeps hitting line drives like the one he hit for a home run in the eighth inning, he is going to have a great season. Heck, 9-game hitting streak now is a really great season. Did you know that the longest hitting streak by a Timber Rattlers player in 2009 was Brock Kjeldgaard's 10-game hitting streak in August?
Stolen base tally in Thursday's game: WI 4, CR 1. That feels almost as good as the win.
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