
Cabrera and Feller

Former Rattler Asdrubal Cabrera ('05), who is now with the Cleveland Indians, turned an unassisted triple play earlier this week.

Here is an AP story with either a compliment from Bob Feller or the hall of fame Cleveland pitcher downplaying the rare feat. You decide.
"First one I've seen since Little League," Feller said Tuesday of Cabrera's stunning gem in the second game of a doubleheader against the Toronto Blue Jays on Monday night.

"It was a great play," the always outspoken Feller continued, "but unassisted triple plays are two things: luck and dumb base running."
I would have stopped at 'It was a great play.', BUT the always outspoken part would have been meaningless without the second part. AND, I'm not a hall of fame pitcher.

There is also a list of the unassisted triple plays turned in the modern era at the story.

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