This is Carl, the rain-hating camel.

This is Brick, the bad weather hating bactrian

This is Telemachus, the tarping tapir.

This is Fairfax, the field conditions ferrett.

They haven't been around much and -- to tell the truth -- they really don't want to be around that much.
But, right now, it's raining, the tarp is on the field, and the field is pretty wet. Brick is around to try to keep those thunderstorms away.
Fan Fest is still on for a noon start. Stay tuned either here or to for updates.
For you new readers, consider these guys as a code. The readers who have been around for awhile already know this, but click your and drag your cursor from left to right on the space below to find out the secret behind the secret to the code.
Mehring is crazy.
1 comment:
I hear 'dat!
Two More Days!!!
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