
Side-By-Side Comparison #2

I have a little time right now. Here is number two in the series.

My thesis is that the Swing of the Quad Cities uniforms are the ugliest in the history of baseball. To do this, I offer visual proof via a fun tool with all of the uniforms in the Major Leagues that you could ask for at the National Baseball Hall of Fame Website and pictures from ejsmith.com

Today the three uniforms of the 1978 San Diego Padres against the road jersey of the Swing of the Quad Cities.

Mustard is for hot dogs, not for baseball uniforms. But, numbers are supposed to be the same size. Mike Ferris is #25, not #2/5. At least the five isn't the smaller number. Then, he would be number 2 to the 5th power.

The Swing jerseys are still uglier.

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