The tarp is on the field. The tarp is on the field.
This is Telemachus the Tarping Tapir and reporting from Fort Wayne, the tarp is on the field!

And I am Carl the Rain Hating Camel to report that it is now raining in Fort Wayne. I hate that. I know that both teams could use the day off today. The Rattlers arrived in Fort Wayne at 4:30am and the TinCaps arrived from Burlington at 7:00am.
But, with an 11am game tomorrow and a night game on Thursday, a doubleheader just just doesn't fit into the equation.

Brick the Bad Weather Hating Bactrian here. Just heard some thunder and saw some lightning. "They" are calling for this tonight. I hate "them" and I hate "this". Hope is for losers like Carl up there, but to borrow a phrase from him, I hope this moves through in a &*#%$! hurry. Okay. I may have added that &*#%$! to his phrase.
Stay tuned.
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