I'm Telemachus, the Tarping Tapir. The tarp is on the field at Modern Woodmen Park. The rain is pouring down and the weather...well, you take a look at it.
As a wise man once said, "I don't think the heavy stuff is coming down for awhile yet."
Stay tuned.

I am Perry, the Postponement Penguin. Technically, there should be someone else to make this announcement since this is a cancellation.
BUT, Mehring hasn't hired anyone else to make that announcement, yet.
SO, Today's game between the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers and the Quad Cities River Bandits has been rained out. There will be no makeup game since this is the final time the teams meet in the first half.
The Rattlers return home to start a long homestand on Friday. For details on the four-day, five-game series with the Beloit Snappers, please follow this link.
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