
Remembering the day when the batboy was ejected

That's the title of this article in The Hawkeye.
The July 16, 1961, edition of The Hawk Eye probably is not hanging on Bill Dowell's wall. A framed copy is not gracing the top of his desk, or mounted above his fireplace.

A photocopy was hidden in the drawer of the third-base concession stand at Community Field -- until a nosy reporter found it and dredged up the past.

"Burlington Bee batboy Billy Dowell was ejected in the 11th inning Saturday night at Community Field," the article began.

It continued, "The youth got the thumb from umpire (Louis) Casciano for allegedly throwing equipment."

Forty-eight years later, Dowell and Ron Brand -- who played for the Bees in 1961 -- have a different recollection.

The two met for the first time since 1961 when Brand -- now a scout for the New York Yankees -- was at Community Field July 6. They got together and discussed what happened that day.
Read on to get the whole story, but there is this little slice of life from the Three-I League:
After Dowell left the field, the Community Field crowd was almost treated to what Brand called "a bad sight."

"I went in the clubhouse and Harding Peterson [the manager of the Bees who had already been tossed from the game], he's in there in his skivvies," Dowell said. "He asked me what the heck happened. I said, 'He kicked me out, too.' Hardy jumped up and he's headed out the door. Ronnie had to grab him before he ran outside in his underwear."

The Three-I League wanted to teach Dowell a lesson.

"They wanted to fine me $500 and I didn't quite make that much money in a season, so that got my attention," said Dowell, now a district court judge.
Just go read it.

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