
This bites

Hey, Brick here. Bad weather. Brick post. Blah, blah, blah. Brick hates bad weather. Brick wants to smash something breakable. Brick swears, by the camel god Roudha, this has become cliche.

First things first. Mehring has been playing catch up with a few things and was unable to get to, well frankly, much of anything this morning.
There is a hope for baseball once this line of weather moves through.

There is a line of thinking that bugs Brick. "I hope this happens, then this will happen."

Let Brick tell you something from Brick's Book of Personal Philosophy: Anytime hope is part of a plan, you are basically screwed. Because you may as well hope that pixies will come along with a bag of magic.....

Greetings, gentle readers. Carl, the rain-hating camel, here. Don't worry about Brick. Brick certainly never worries about Brick. Remember, there is always another oasis on the horizon. You just have to keep going until you make it to the next one.

What a load of cr....


Sorry about that, folks. Brick does tend to get on one's nerves, no? Anyway. I'm off to sacrifice to Roudha. Sometimes you just need to make your own hope.

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