

I'm not sure why there was such a big spike in attendance yesterday, but thanks for stopping by. Monday was the first time Rattler Radio actually went over 100 visitors for a single day. It looks like the site meter topped out at a bit over 110.

Now, I guess I'll have to try and keep you visiting by being interesting.


THE KID said...

I'm guessing people were looking to see who was going to be on our roster as the T-Rats website still hadn't updated that section as of last night (..it is now)...Oh, that AND your keen insights!!!. Just funning.

Can you check into improving the weather later this week please? THANKS.

Chris said...

I've looked into Weather Wizard's technology, but The Flash stopped me from going down that road.

Just come on out and bring a lot of friends. The more people the more you can huddle together for warmth.

THE KID said...

No worries, we'll be there. I've waiting this long for Rattler baseball and old man winter is not going to dampen my spirit.

On a positive note, my Rattler Brau's will not get warm Thursday and I can stop making tailgate ice for the coolers on Saturday afternoon!!!


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