
Infomercial on ESPN2 last night

I was watching the Cardinal-Met game on ESPN2 last night. There were enough promos of The Natural last night to interest me. My thought was that they would show the movie and cut in before and after commercial breaks with comments from current major league ballplayers and why they liked the movie.

Then, I watched it. They weren't showing the movie. They were showing players were quoting the movie. They were showing players were watching the movie. They were showing players quoting the movie while watching the movie. If I want this, I can pop in my DVD of Red Dawn at the trailer. If I want this done well, I'll watch any episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 in my collection.

Next, was the first commercial. There is a new 2-DVD release of the director's cut of The Natural. That will be tomorrow. They could have saved everyone a lot of time and money by saying just that and I would be in line right now...well, maybe after work tonight, or if I can sneak away during FanFest tomorrow.

Anyway here are my top five lines from The Natural...in reverse order:

Bump: I lost it in the sun.
Pops [looking up at an overcast sky]: Blinding

Pops: My mom wanted me to be a farmer.
Roy: My dad wanted me to be a baseball player.

Roy: Pick me out a winner, Bobby.
Bobby: O-okay.

Roy's Dad: You've got a gift, Roy. But, it's not enough.

Roy: That day in Chicago...Why did you stand up?
Iris: I didn't want to see you fail.

Oh, and you better believe that DVD is in my collection before the first road trip of the season.

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