
The Baseball Player Wore Tennis Shoes...

On June 25, 1971 Kurt Russell made his professional baseball debut for Bend, Oregon in the Northwest League.

He already had several acting roles under his belt before taking a few years to play pro ball. I remember him playing Lt. Gerard's son, Phil Gerard, Jr. in the episode Nemesis on The Fugitive. He also played a different kid later in the run of the show. Don't get me started about Quinn Martin having the same actor play different characters on the same show.

But, if injuries hadn't cut his baseball career short, we might have been robbed of the best Elvis characterization ever; a classic post-apocolyptic movie; a cult classic; a great Western; an under-rated action, thriller in which Steven Segall dies; a really under-rated science-fiction movie with the line, "I'm going to kill them all, sir."; and a great Herb Brooks characterization.

On the other hand we would have been spared just one unfunny Robin Williams movie; a cop buddy movie with Stallone that is very popular in Europe for some reason; an unfunny Martin Short movie; a horrible sequel to a classic post-apocolypse movie; and the worst characterizations of Elvis ever.

Thank you, Kurt Russell.

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