
Yes, I am aware

That I just cracked on a New York Times writer for shoe-horning in reference to Greek Mythology and that this blog that has used excerpts from Hemingway, Shakespeare, and Fitzgerald to countdown to Opening Day.

But, I'm a hack.

That's the New York Times.

I guess this is my way of saying that there isn't much out there right now. The Cardenales de Lara game from yesterday in the Venezuelan League hasn't been reported yet. I don't have anything written for the Know Your Ford Frick Award Nominees series and the How Close? series of posts have been on hiatus for a bit. Maybe later today for posting tomorrow.

Right now, though, the sun is out and with no Packer game today I might actually go outside. At least to the mailbox to see if there was any mail in there from yesterday. Small steps.

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