
A-Rod on 60 Minutes tonight

There will be plenty of promos for tonight's 60 Minutes during the late NFL game...(Oh, joy. The trailer will be getting the Colts at Raiders. That'll be a good one...during which to take a nap).

Alex Rodriguez (Foxes '94) is being interviewed on the show. The one topic that is being used to promote the show is...I forget. Is there something going on in baseball right now?

Jose Canseco said he couldn't believe that Alex Rodriguez wasn't named in the Mitchell report. But Rodriguez says in an interview on CBS' "60 Minutes" he never has even been tempted to use performance-enhancing drugs.

In the interview, scheduled to air today, when asked by Katie Couric if he had used steroids, human growth hormone or another performance-enhancing drug, Rodriguez said, "No."

"I think baseball's done a fine job of implementing some very strict rules," he said in the interview. "I mean, I got tested eight or nine times. I know some of my teammates got tested, you know, seven, eight ... times and, you know, if you think about where the game is today versus where it was six years ago, I think Major League Baseball has made some nice strides."

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