
Road 1, Rattlers 0

As the bus was pulling into the location we usually stop at for breakfast on road trips, there was this smell of burning rubber.

We thought, "Boy, that smells bad. Good thing we'll be on the way out of town soon."

As we departed 30 minutes later, the smell became worse. Then, we saw the smoke pouring out of the left side of the bus.

Not a fire, just a problem with the brake pad on the left front tire...Those are words that I never want to see together in a sentence again, by the way.

So, the bus pulled over and we waited for a replcement bus

That's why we are just now getting to the hotel in Peoria. Repeat after me: This is not an omen. This is not an omen. This is not an omen.

It is odd, though, that I decided to write Mehring Monday about bus travel.

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