
Fan mail

This popped into the inbox last night during the broadcast. I have removed the name of the player and the e-mailer's relationship to the player...
Quit being such a hater on my _________ (__)!!!!!
Five exclamation points????? Really????? And I thought that _____'s _____, _______ had a decent game last night!!!!!

First, this is a record for the latest into a season I have ever received an e-mail like this. Usually, it arrives about 10 games into the season and usually after a particularly bad loss. Game 21 shows improvement on my part and I am extremely happy about that!!!!!

Sometimes players are going to have bad at bats or pitching performances. I have to mention that or I'm not doing my job. I also have to recap what has happened in the game in case someone is tuning in late too the broadcast and is wondering how the game got to be the way that it is. If it seems like I'm dwelling on the negative, well, I'm not. Just reporting the facts.

I want to see all of the players on the team succeed and move on to the highest level of baseball they can reach. I have worked hard over the last few seasons to be less negative on the radio. The fact that players and coaches were still talking to me during the 14-game losing streak last year should stand as a testament to that.

One last thing. I'm an old man. Can someone explain what 'being such a hater' on someone means?????

A Haiku to wrap this up:

The sun shines brightly
exposing my failure to all
At least it is warm


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